Contributor Topics
The goal of this page is to provide a 'TO DO' list of things which need to be documented.
The organization of the resources below are listed first according to the document title they pertain to, followed by individual topics found within that particular document title. For each document the published URL and internal site path to the document have been provided.
Potentially useful reference information
Below you will find a list of links, most of which are from the Internet Archive 'Wayback' machine.
As such, when clicking on the links found within these resources, it may be necessary to remove the ;jsessionid=xxx
from the end of the URL.
Otherwise the wayback machine will report a not found error message.
- OpenSolaris Projects
- OpenSolaris Communities
- OpenSolaris Documentation Style Guide
- docs from
- docs from
- What's new for OSOL 2010.03
- link to illumos graphics files
- Getting Started With OpenSolaris 2008.11
- FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors
- OpenSolaris Learn site - Wayback Machine
- OpenSolaris 2009.06 docs
- OpenSolaris 2009.06 Booklet PDF
About OpenIndiana
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
The 'About OpenIndiana' document is effectively a renamed and enhanced copy of the OpenIndiana FAQ found on Given FAQ's are so rarely composed of things people actually inquire about, having a document titled 'About OpenIndiana' made more sense for this documentation site.
Suggested topics:
Below are some resources which may be useful for further improving this document. Take some time to look them over for ideas and inspiration for writing new content:
Handbook - Getting Started
Documentation Team
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
Documentation Team
This document is likely to change significantly over the course of it's development.
- Some topics may be moved to more relevant locations within other documents.
- As the document grows and matures, it is likely to become necessary to break things up into smaller more manageable pieces.
The Getting Started document has been initially structured to cover the following topics:
- Introduction
- OpenIndiana software releases
- System requirements
- Exploring OpenIndiana
- Preparation for installing OpenIndiana
- Creating a bootable OpenIndiana DVD
- Creating a bootable OpenIndiana USB flash drive
- Booting OpenIndiana installer media
- Installing OpenIndiana
- Post installation steps
- Troubleshooting installations
- The Image Package System (IPS)
- Managing boot environments
- The X-Window system
Suggested topics:
Import first section of Wiki page:
Have a look at the following resources for ideas and inspiration for writing new content:
- OpenSolaris Automated Installer Guide
- Linux Versus OpenSolaris
- IPS versus apt - from IPS guide
- System partitioning, Gparted, etc.
- Device Driver utility - (also how to manually install missing drivers - and where to find them if they are available)
- How to disable drivers at boot time
- Network install drivers:
pkgrecv -s -d bash.p5a -a bash && sudo pkg install -nv -g bash.p5a bash
- Local install drivers:
pkg install -g name.p5a fmri
Handbook - Common Tasks
Documentation Team
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
Documentation Team
This document is likely to change significantly over the course of it's development.
- Some topics may be moved to more relevant locations within other documents.
- As the document grows and matures, it is likely to become necessary to break things up into smaller more manageable pieces.
The Common Tasks document has been initially structured to cover the following topics:
- Basic UNIX commands
- Basic system administration
- Desktop applications
- Multimedia - Audio
- Multimedia - Video
- Printing
- Graphics workstation
- Desktop Publishing system, Etc.
Currently this section is largely desktop oriented. Perhaps some additional items such as system backups might fit better in this section. As previously mentioned, this is a living document and things will likely get shuffled around as the document matures.
Suggested topics:
CUPS Printing
The Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) has been selected as the default print service, replacing the LP print service, in OpenSolaris 2010.03. CUPS support includes a web and graphical interface to manage your printing environment. A system that is running CUPS becomes a host that can accept print requests from client systems, process those requests, and then send them to the appropriate printer. To facilitate CUPS support, a new print-service command has been introduced that provides a mechanism for switching between CUPS print service and the LP print service, including 2 new SMF services.
Doc team Note: The guidance provided by the OSOL printing administration book is largely obsolete (but parts may still be valid) as CUPS replaced the old Solaris printing subsystem found in OpenSolaris 2009.06.
However, OpenIndiana has 2 print subsystems (CUPS and LP).
They are managed by the print-service
command, which allows you to designate the active print subsystem.
See the print-services (1M) man page for more information.
In contrast, Oracle dropped lp completely in the Solaris 11.0 release.
Handbook - Systems Administration
Documentation Team
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
Documentation Team
This document is likely to change significantly over the course of it's development.
- Some topics may be moved to more relevant locations within other documents.
- As the document grows and matures, it is likely to become necessary to break things up into smaller more manageable pieces.
The systems administration document has been initially structured to cover the following topics:
- Configuration and tuning
- Configuring a UPS
- Fault Management (FMA)
- Service Management (SMF)
- Systems logging and monitoring
- Illumos boot process
- Security
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Zones
- Storage
- Mounting file systems
- NTFS support - 3rd party
- Configuring OpenIndiana as an ISCSI Target Server - (COMSTAR)
- System backups
- Virtualization
- Localization
- Dtrace
- Configuring Networking
- Clustering
Suggested topics:
Have a look at the following resources for ideas and inspiration for writing new content:
Systems Admin Guides
- Linux to Solaris Administrators Guide - PDF
- OPENSOLARIS NETWORK ADMINISTRATION For Administrators Familiar with Linux - PDF
ABI support
- Write about the change from Sun Studio to GCC its implications for ABI from previous Solaris releases/OpenSolaris, etc.
- For more details, see:
- We might also want to talk about what other effects (if any) have/will result from the move to OI-Userland
Write about Virtualization
- add a page about running OI as a virtual guest in Virtualbox, VMware, KVM, talk about which provides the best hardware support, guest tools compatibility, other caveats, etc.
Handbook - Network Communications
Documentation Team
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
Documentation Team
This document is likely to change significantly over the course of it's development.
- Some topics may be moved to more relevant locations within other documents.
- As the document grows and matures, it is likely to become necessary to break things up into smaller more manageable pieces.
The network communications document has been initially structured to cover the following network related topics:
- Email servers
- WWW servers
- Firewalls
- Advanced networking
- Crossbow
- Using OpenIndiana as a NAS
Suggested topics:
Have a look at the following resources for ideas and inspiration for writing new content:
Installing OI onto an ISCSI exposed SCSI target
A good tutorial might be to write about installing OpenIndiana Hipster on an ISCSI target.
[14:50:02] <alp> does someone have some links on "installing OI on ISCSI" ?
[14:57:40] <tsoome> alp get to illumos wiki, open projects loader -> ideas, from there you get link for jeffpc iscsi experiment
[14:57:46] <tsoome> I did use it to play with ipxe+iscsi+loader
Also can look at Oracle docs for reference:
Handbook - Appendix
Documentation Team
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
Documentation Team
This document is likely to change significantly over the course of it's development.
- Some topics may be moved to more relevant locations within other documents.
- As the document grows and matures, it is likely to become necessary to break things up into smaller more manageable pieces.
The appendix document has been initially structured to cover the following topics:
- Finding help and support
- Developing with OpenIndiana
- Software Development Testing
This document might also be a good place to put the following topics:
- Basic UNIX commands
- Contrast and comparison tables (e.g. Unix versus Linux, etc.)
- Feature comparison tables
Suggested topics:
- Write a table where included features of OpenIndiana are compared to licensed features found in commercial software.
- For example: Qemu-KVM | HyperV, Esxi, etc. , Zones | Docker, etc.
- Need to look at the legal aspects of mentioning trademarked names within documentation (to help keep openindiana out of trouble).
- Add a blurb about switching to hipster. See link
- Link in download URL's for ISO's, etc.: See release notes
- Write a table providing a matrix comparing commands between BSD/Linux/OpenIndiana.
- This could also be something for the handbook.
- Place it wherever it looks best.
- See this page for some inspiration.
- Also look at old OpenSolaris website (via the wayback machine) for additional ideas, suggestions, etc.
Write some comparison tables
- Provide some contrast/comparisons between OI and other illumos distros.
- Provide some contrast/comparisons between OI and other BSD distros (PCBSD in relation to freebsd, etc.)
- Provide some contrast/comparisons between OI and Linux, etc. (Linux kernel and GNU userland, illumos kernel and GNU userland, etc.)
- For an example, see: this page
- Command comparison tables – e.g. if such and such command does something on Linux, Windows, BSD, etc., use such and such command to do same thing on OI.
- For some inspiration, see the tables found on the SmartOS Wiki.
- Oracle might have some inspiration as well - (just don't copy it verbatim)
OpenSolaris Redistributable Books
Documentation Team
- Page URL:
- Page location within docs site:
Documentation Team
The OpenSolaris books are from the 2009.06 release of OpenSolaris. As OpenIndiana has diverged from it's OpenSolaris roots, the relevancy of this documentation has diminished. Some of the documentation was obsolete even when it was published.
The primary value of this documentation may be to use it as inspiration for writing new content for the handbook. The documentation is all PDL licensed so it may be copied verbatim without incurring any legal risks.
As for the future of these documents, the project has some choices:
- Pull in any and all reverent content into the new handbook and then discard the books.
- Write errata for the books, pointing out what has changed between OpenSolaris and OpenIndiana.
- Use the books to write task specific tutorials.
Suggested topics:
- Review the OpenSolaris redistributable books.
- Determine the relevancy of each book in comparison to the current development state of OpenIndiana Hipster.
- Compose lists of errata as required.
- Add links to current Oracle docs where such docs are still applicable to the current development state of OpenIndiana.
Created: 2016-06-06 02:47:56